EC: Outcome Research and Innovation Days

The European Commission has brought together thousands of policymakers, researchers, innovators, businesspeople and citizens in a unique digital event on the future of research and innovation.


Consisting of a Policy conference and the Science is Wonderful! exhibition, European Research and Innovation Days 2020 ran over three days and finished on 24 September. The policy conference brought together over 35 000 registered participants from 188 countries in 146 sessions, and the exhibition saw over 6000 visits, including from schools, universities and citizens.


Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, said:


“With over 35 000 participants, 146 sessions and 576 speakers, the European Research and Innovation Days brought together the entire innovation system and citizens online to shape the future of research and innovation. We need all Europeans working together to co-create the solutions for the future of Europe.”


On the first day of the event, top experts handed over their proposals for EU missions to the Commission for a greener, healthier and more resilient Europe. By 2030, the proposed missions aim to find solutions for saving more lives from cancer, making Europe climate resilient, restoring our ocean and waters, achieving 100 climate-neutral cities, and ensuring 75% of soils are healthy. Europeans’ concerns, ideas and hopes helped formulate the proposals to ensure the missions’ relevance and ability to make a real difference.


Source: European Commission


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