EC launches Call for tender for SME Study

Connected car vector illustration. Concept of connecting to vehicles with various devices.

On Friday July 22, the European Commission’s Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) launched a Call for tender for a Study on the support system for SME supply chain due diligence.


The aim of this contract is to design a comprehensive small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) due diligence support system.


This support system should:


  • contribute to achieving the objectives of the (forthcoming) Regulation setting up an EU system for supply chain due diligence self-certification of responsible importers of tin, tantalum and tungsten, their ores, and gold originating in conflict-affected and high-risk areas
  • limit and/or offset the administrative burden imposed on SMEs by EU legislation on conflict minerals
  • provide SMEs with due diligence capacity to remain competitive in increasingly conflict-free global supply chains.


To achieve its objective, the contract will deliver:


  • sector analysis of EU SMEs importing 3TGs
  • simplification of due diligence reporting obligations for SMEs
  • design of a comprehensive support system for SMEs on due diligence.


For more information, please click here.


Source: European Commission


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