EC: First steps for the new Expert Group on Road Infrastructure Safety
The European Commission’s, DG MOVE just set up an expert group on Road Infrastructure Safety.
In view of the upcoming entry into force of Directive amending Directive 2008/96/EC on Road Infrastructure Safety Management (COM(2018)0274; 2018/0129(COD)), a number of new features require the Commission to seek the advice and expertise of Member States and other relevant stakeholders, including for the preparation of non-legislative acts and guidance under the Directive as well as regards actions set out in Strategic Action Plan of the Commission’s 3rd Mobility Package (May 2018).
- Assist the Commission in relation to the implementation of existing Union legislation, programmes and policies;
- Assist the Commission in the preparation of delegated acts;
- Assist the Commission in the preparation of legislative proposals and policy initiatives;
- Coordinate with Member States, exchange of views.
- Selection Procedure (members)
Members of the expert group in its Plenary format will be:
- Member States’ authorities (Type D members), represented by officials responsible for road safety and road infrastructure.
- Other public entities (Type E members), in particular for instance authorities, in relation to road safety and road infrastructure, which are a party to the European Economic Area Agreement, at national, regional or local level.
- Organisations (Type C members) will be selected via a public call for applications (published soon).
The date of the first meeting of the group has not yet been announced.
Source: European Commission
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