EC: €133 million available for Green Vehicles research
On October 4 2016, the European Commission’s Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) revealed new funding opportunities for automotive research. Altogether, the Commission announced three Horizon 2020 calls for project proposals in the areas of Green Vehicles, Smart Cities & Communities and Blue Growth. In total, €210.5 million will be available to applicants.
Nine topics with a total budget of €133 million are open for research and innovation proposals on the use of alternative fuels, hybrid and electric vehicles, improved heavy duty vehicles, and fast charging infrastructure. The deadline to apply is 1 February 2017.
The topics include the following:
- Optimisation of heavy duty vehicles for alternative fuels use
- Next generation electric drivetrains for fully electric vehicles, focusing on high efficiency and low cost
- Electric vehicle user-centric design for optimised energy efficiency
- Physical integration of hybrid and electric vehicle batteries at pack level aiming at increased energy density and efficiency
- Multi-level modelling and testing of electric vehicles and their components
- Electrified urban commercial vehicles integration with fast charging infrastructure
- Aerodynamic and flexible trucks
- Demonstration (pilots) for integration of electrified L-category vehicles in the urban transport system
- Production of next generation battery cells in Europe for transport applications
Source: European Commission
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