EC: Batteries experts identify short-term research & innovation priorities

The Batteries Europe Technology & Innovation Platform has this week published its vision on short-term research and innovation priorities for the European battery sector. The 200-page document is the result of input from battery experts from organisations along the whole value chain coming from industry and the research community all over Europe. It will feed in to preparation for the nascent Batteries Partnership under the Horizon Europe research programme and should also facilitate the priorities and initiatives of Member States.


The priority topics identified range from sustainable processing of battery raw materials to advanced methods of sorting and recycling of battery materials, proceeding with next generation batteries for e-mobility and stationary storage from advanced materials. Manufacturing techniques and batteries integration in key user applications are also highlighted.


Steering research and innovation efforts for batteries holistically is an essential element of the European Battery Alliance initiative to strengthen European competitiveness in the battery value chain. In particular, batteries are set to play a key enabling role in the development of e-mobility, and all forms of energy storage are expected to make an important contribution to achieving the EU’s ambition of becoming carbon-neutral by 2050.


Batteries Europe is now also working on its longer-term vision for batteries research and innovation priorities.


Source: European Commission


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