Over €230 million awarded to 39 Horizon 2020 transport projects

39 projects selected under the H2020 Societal Challenge ” Smart, green and integrated transport ” will receive €238 million EU funding. These projects cover air, waterborne and road transport, safety issues, intelligent transport systems, automated road transport, as well as cross-cutting priorities for greener urban transport.


Examples of selected projects:


Intelligent transport systems

C-MobILE – large scale ITS platforms

The C-MobILE project aims to push existing and new pilot sites towards large-scale, real-life C-ITS deployments interoperable across Europe. It envisions a congestion-free, sustainable and economically viable mobility, minimizing the environmental impact of road transport.


Full title: Accelerating C-ITS Mobility Innovation and deployment in Europe

Topic:  MG-6.2-2016  – Large-scale demonstration(s) of cooperative ITS

EU contribution: €12.6 million

Total cost: €15.1 million

Duration: June 2017 – November 2020

Partners from: Spain, Denmark, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Greece, Belgium, France, Italy, Germany



Automated Road Transport

Inframix – Road Infrastructure ready for mixed vehicle traffic flows

The INFRAMIX project is preparing the road infrastructure to support the transition period and the coexistence of conventional and automated vehicles. Its main target is to design, upgrade, adapt and test both physical and digital elements of the road infrastructure, ensuring an interrupted, predictable, safe and efficient traffic.

Project full title: Road Infrastructure ready for mixed vehicle traffic flows

EU contribution: €4.9 million

Total cost:  €4.9 million

Topic:  ART-05-2016  – Road infrastructure to support the transition to automation and the coexistence of conventional and automated vehicles on the same network

Duration: June 2017 – May 2020

Partners from: Austria, Greece, Spain, Germany, Netherlands



How were the projects selected for EU funding? All projects were selected under the  Mobility for Growth  and  Automated Road Transport  calls for proposals. The submitted proposals were evaluated by external experts drawn from the European Commission’s independent expert database. Grant agreements were signed with the successful applicants within eight months of the submission deadline.


How will the projects be managed? The projects are each implemented by a consortium of European partners. INEA will monitor their progress throughout the entire project life-cycle. Overall, €12.2 billion has been earmarked for transport and energy research in Horizon 2020, the main EU’s funding programme for the 2014-2020 period. €6.7 billion of this amount will be managed by INEA resulting in a total of approximately 800 projects of an average size of €7 million.


More information: Horizon 2020  Smart, Green and Integrated Transport  Societal Challenge

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