€114 million available under Horizon 2020 for next-generation batteries projects

The Building a Low-Carbon, Climate Resilient Future: Next-Generation Batteries call for proposals is open for applications as of today and until 25 April 2019.

It makes available €114 million in seven battery-related topics.

The call for proposals brings together research and innovation efforts on the next generations of batteries from various parts of Horizon 2020, including both transport and energy research.

The final decision about which projects will receive EU funding will be known by the end of September 2019 at the latest.

The topics for application are:

Call identifierTopicIndicative budget
LC-BAT-1-2019Strongly improved, highly performant and safe all solid state batteries for electric vehicles€25 million
LC-BAT-2-2019Strengthening EU materials technologies for non-automotive battery storage€24 million
LC-BAT-3-2019Modelling and simulation for Redox Flow Battery development€5 million
LC-BAT-4-2019Advanced Redox Flow Batteries for stationary energy storage€15 million
LC-BAT-5-2019Research and innovation for advanced Li-ion cells (generation 3b)€30 million
LC-BAT-6-2019Li-ion Cell Materials & Transport Modelling€13 million
LC-BAT-7-2019Network of Li-ion cell pilot lines€2 million

What are the requirements for participation?

The requirements for submitting a research proposal are detailed in the relevant call documents published on each topic page. Please also consult the General Annexes (pdf) of the H2020 Work Programme for 2018-2020 for rules on funding, such as the list of countries that can apply for funding, standard eligibility criteria, submission rules, types of projects and their funding rates and other useful information.

How to apply?

Applicants have to submit their proposal electronically, following the link from the topic page on the Funding & tender opportunities portal. Please follow the guidelines on proposal submission and evaluation (pdf). For all questions related to Horizon 2020, please contact the Research Enquiry Service.

Source: European Commission

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