DRIVES Project: Preliminary results of the survey to support the creation of a strategic roadmap for the automotive sector
In March 2019, DRIVES launched an online survey to support the creation of a strategic roadmap for the sector, which will contain information necessary to all the project’s partners to analyse the current Automotive situation in terms of Job Role and Skills needs and the attractiveness of the sector in general. Also, to evaluate the current gap between the VET needs and offer and to develop 30 job role trainings to be offered to the automotive sector, providing 1.100 pilot trainings during project duration.
This document presents a first short overview of the survey results. Overall results of the sectoral survey will be released later this year. The dedicated report t will include detailed elaboration of results in topics such as – individual Drivers of Change, VET strategies, Skills needs, Job roles needs, Attractiveness of the sector, Recruitment strategies and so on.Source: DRIVES
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