DRIVES Project: #2 Newsletter released

The #2 Newsletter od DRIVES´Project has been published. MEP Carlos Zorrinho (S&D, Portugal), member of the ITRE Committee (Industry, Reasearch and Energy) is the honorable guest and shares his views on the technological and societal disruption of the automotive industry and the challenges and potential it entails.

The Newsletter also highlights the project´s updated and EU´s most relevant initiatives in the field of mobility and skills.

DRIVES is a vibrant project, involving 24 partners from 11 countries, which, during the next 4 years, brings together industry members, national and regional players as well as experienced EU associations, to address the EU´s automotive sector skills challenges. It will identify its shortages and mismatches and put forward coherent solutions amid the 28 and at EU-level.


Download here the newsletter: Link


DRIVES Project website



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