Digitalisation & Mobility as a Service to be a key focus at Global Public Transport Summit
Two trends that are promising to transform the world of urban mobility, Mobility as a Service and digitalisation, will be under the spotlight at the upcoming UITP Global Public Transport Summit (15-17 May 2017) in Montréal. The Global Public Transport Summit, organised by UITP (the International Association of Public Transport), will focus on themes affecting urban mobility, under the slogan ‘Lead the TRANSITion,’ reflecting the rapid changes underway in urban mobility. The Summit will highlight how public transport is leading the deployment of autonomous mobility services and look at their exciting potential, including an autonomous vehicle test ride that will operate outside the venue during the Summit. These discussions will take place within the context of increasing digitalisation and the Summit will explore the potential opportunities opening up for traditional industry players in harnessing the vast amounts of data at the sector’s fingertips. Public transport is driving further innovative solutions, such as alternative propulsion systems, that are allowing for ever-greater energy efficiency in the rush for decarbonisation, increasingly on the agenda since the landmark COP21 climate agreement.
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