DG MOVE specifications for C-ITS
In many aspects, today’s vehicles are already connected devices, and they are being linked and integrated into our ever more digital lifestyle. However, to make the transport system safer and more efficient, vehicles need to directly interact with each other and with the road infrastructure. Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (CITS) will allow road users and traffic managers to share and use information and coordinate their actions. This cooperative element – enabled by connectivity – is the key to significantly improving road safety and traffic efficiency, also for automated vehicles. Cooperation, connectivity, and automation are not only complementary technologies; they reinforce each other and will over time merge completely.
In line with the Declaration of Amsterdam1, endorsed by Transport Ministers in April 2016, the Commission has announced in the 2017 work programme its intention to work in an integrated way on mobility, connectivity and the future of the automotive industry. For aspects where legal certainty is needed, the EU Strategy on Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems2 foresees in particular the preparation of a delegated regulation on C-ITS to add or amend aspects to the ITS Directive 2010/40/EU3 .
Cooperative, connected and automated vehicles will contribute to the European Strategy for Low-Emission Mobility4 , which is part of the Commission’s Energy Union Strategy5 , and the Commission’s Digital Single Market Strategy. 6 The C-ITS platform7 brings together key public and private stakeholders along the value chain to develop a shared vision on the interoperable deployment of C-ITS in the EU.8 The C-ROADS platform9 links C-ITS
Please click here in order to access DG MOVE’s inception impact assessment on Specifications for the provision of cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS).
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