DG CLIMA Consultation on Revision of Regulation setting CO2 emission performance standards for LDVs



Earlier this year, the European Commission launched this consultation to collect the views of stakeholders and citizens with regard to the revision of the EU regulations setting COemission performance standards for new cars and vans (together referred to as light duty vehicles (LDVs), due to close on October 28, 2016.


The EU’s Regulations setting carbon dioxide (CO2) emission standards for new cars and vans have proven to be a strong driver for innovation and efficiency in automotive technology. A review of those Regulations to establish post-2020 targets for cars and vans was announced by the Commission in February 2015 and included into the Action plan of the Strategy for low-emission mobility.


An extensive evaluation of the existing Regulations has been carried out. This identifies that while the Regulations have been largely effective and have delivered CO2 reductions at lower cost than originally foreseen, there are areas deserving consideration for the future revision. These include the measurement of the emissions and the utility parameter (a way to differentiate between manufacturers’ fleets).


The existing Regulations foresee a review covering the emissions target and existing modalities and the use of a utility parameter (as a way to differentiate between manufacturers’ fleets).


The Strategy for low-emission mobility also notes that the transformational change towards low- and zero-emission vehicles will need to be supported by a wide range of measures at all levels of policy-making to engage both manufacturers and users. The Commission will analyse the impact of different ways to incentivise low- and zero-emission vehicles in a technology neutral way, such as setting specific targets for them.


The Commission is carrying out this consultation in order to be properly informed by public opinion in preparation for possible future legislative action in this area. The results of the consultation will be summarised and published as well as being used to inform the Impact Assessment.


The consultation is divided into two sections: the first section asks questions of a general nature and the second asks questions of a more technical nature related to the policy design and is thus intended for a well-informed audience.  You may choose whether you wish to answer only the first or both of these sections.


For more information about the consultation, please click here.


Source: European Commission


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