The Council agrees on updated rules for lorry and bus drivers.

The first TTE-Transport Council took place on June 8 2017. The Council agreed on a general approach on updated rules for the training and qualifications of professional lorry and bus drivers. The Council adopted the conclusion on road safety up to 2020. The update puts greater emphasis on safety in the training and will improve recognition of qualifications obtained in another member state.


The road safety conclusions set a target of halving the number of serious injuries on roads in the EU by 2030 from the 2020 baseline. Ministers expressed their initial views on the mobility package unveiled by the Commission on 31 May. “While member states are still analysing these recent proposals, they generally welcomed the Commission’s efforts to clarify the existing rules and step up enforcement,” said the Maltese presidency. “However, some key parts of the package will need detailed assessment in respect of their social, economic and in some cases also environmental impact.”


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