Committee of the Regions wants C-ITS to support local development

On the 11th of October 2017, Members of the Committee of the Regions adopted an opinion on C-ITS.

They ask the European Commission to not only make it possible to deploy vehicles that communicate with each other and with the infrastructure on EU roads as of 2019, but also promote a balanced approach aimed at increasing territorial and social cohesion.

“Phenomena such us urbanisation and rural-to-urban migration need to be taken seriously into account to ensure equal access and avoid inequalities and infrastructure gaps widening as technology advances,” said the rapporteur.

Regions and cities stress that C-ITS can also contribute to social inclusion, especially through job accessibility and mobility for those who struggle – or are unable – to use the transport systems currently available – such as the elderly and disabled people. Tailor-made automated transport and C-ITS solutions could also help improve services in rural and sparsely populated areas, where public transport is either under pressure or has already disappeared. The assistance of regional and local authorities is crucial here.

More generally, a closer involvement of local and regional actors in strategic decisions is needed to boost implementation on the ground and to win public support. This latter issue should be properly addressed with information campaigns and clear information on the C-ITS impact on regional and local communities.

With regards to the next steps to be taken, the Committee asks the Commission to develop a broader long-term approach to C-ITS, focusing on mobility as a service and door-to-door transport, prioritising their impact on economic development, social inclusion and low-emission transport. With this in mind, the necessary funding should also be made available after 2019.


Source: Committee of the Regions

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