CLEPA report of the last 169th session of the World Forum for Harmonisation of Vehicle Regulations (WP29)



The World Forum for Harmonisation of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) held its 169th session from 21 to 24 June 2016, chaired by Mr. A. Erario (Italy).


At the session, attendees discussed coordination and organisation of work including a partial discontinuation of the consolidation of UN Vehicle Regulations and Resolutions, updating the status document of the 1958 Agreement prior to each WP.29 session only, and uploading on to the website the final texts of new regulations and amendments to existing ones in English only.


Furthermore, AC.2 endorsed a proposal from Japan, the US and the EU, on actions by the secretariat to increase transparency in the World Forums activities through means such as easing participation of stakeholders by providing the related information on its website for individuals and NGOs, and improving website access with, for example, a question and answers (Q&A) section, among others.


The session also organised and agreed upon new meetings and reviewed reports of previous Working Party meetings for Passive Safety, Pollution and Energy, and Noise, and more.


The Status of the 1958 Agreement was also discussed, with the secretariat providing an update on latest activities and developments. In addition, several Working Parties requested guidance on the 1958 Agreement annexes and related issues such as Type Approval, national/regional rulemaking procedures, the 1997 Agreement (Periodical Technical Inspections), Establishment of requirements for testing equipment, for skills and training of inspectors and for supervision of test centres, and Intelligent Transport Systems and automated vehicles.


For more information regarding the minutes of the meeting, please contact Technical Regulations Policy Officer Mariola Hauke:


All documents discussed at the meeting can be found here.


And the PRELIMINARY calendar for WP29 and GRs meeting in 2017, to be confirmed at WP29 session of November 2016, can be found here.


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