CLEPA joins downstream industries in call to withdraw steel safeguards

Automotive suppliers source most of their steel within the EU and predominantly import specialised steel for which no sufficient European capacity is available. The European Commission imposed definitive safeguard measures on imports of certain steel products 31 January 2019, to help curb trade deviation as a result of the US’s imposition of Section 232 in March 2018, which imposed a 25% import tariffs on steel products from many nations. CLEPA, the European Association of Automotive Suppliers, warns that this measure restricting steel imports into the EU is hurting the competitiveness of the automotive supply industry  and putting jobs at risk. 

CLEPA has joined a coalition of downstream users of steel requesting the European Commission terminate the steel safeguard measure, pointing at record-high steel prices and European capacity issues. The Commission’s safeguard measures were prolonged from July 2021, adding a 25% tariff as soon as import thresholds are exhausted. The joint industry letter was sent to the Director Generals of DG Trade and DG Internal Market and the Chief Trade Enforcement Officer responsible for trade defence.  

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