CCAM Partnership unveils strategic vision for Framework Programme 10 

Call for coordinated action from policymakers, industry, and research institutions, advocating for an ambitious joint research agenda

The CCAM Partnership has released its latest concept paper, outlining a strategic roadmap for Europe’s leadership in Connected, Cooperative, and Automated Mobility (CCAM) under the upcoming Tenth Framework Programme (FP10). The paper emphasises the urgent need to accelerate CCAM innovation and deployment, focusing on high-impact Level 4 use cases, while ensuring technological sovereignty and global competitiveness. CLEPA has provided feedback on this paper and fully endorses its vision for Europe’s CCAM future. 

FP10 aims to establish a world-leading European mobility ecosystem by bridging research and real-world deployment, fostering industrial alliances, and strengthening digital mobility capabilities.  

To secure this leadership, the Partnership calls for coordinated action from policymakers, industry, and research institutions, advocating for an ambitious joint research agenda and synergies with initiatives like an Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) to accelerate deployment at scale. 

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