CARTRE & SCOUT – Joint website
We are pleased to inform you the joint CARTRE/SCOUT website – – has been launched and it will provide all the updates regarding the European Conference “Connected and Automated Driving – Together, shaping the future”.
Connected and automated driving promises a multitude of socio-economic benefits ranging from a reduction of road accidents to an increase of productivity, improvements of social inclusion, and gains in energy efficiency.
After advanced driver assistance system have shown the potential of automated driving in recent years, higher levels of road vehicle automation will soon reach maturity and are expected to deliver on these promises. Connectivity will enable and further expand the performance of automated vehicles because it makes distributed information and big data accessible e.g. for traffic scene interpretation, prediction of road-user behaviour, and route planning.
In order to seize the opportunities of connected and automated driving for Europe’s competitiveness, the Coordination and Support Action “Safe and COnnected AUtomation in Road Transport” (SCOUT) aims to promote a common roadmap of the automotive and the telecommunication and digital sectors for the development and accelerated implementation of safe and connected and high-degree automated driving in Europe.
CARTRE is a Coordination and Support Action to accelerate development and deployment of automated road transport by increasing market and policy certainties. To achieve this, CARTRE will support the development of clearer and more consistent policies for EU Member States in collaboration with industry players, ensuring that automated road transport systems and services are compatible at EU level and are deployed in a coherent way.
Other objectives include: the creation of a solid knowledgebase of all European activities, to support current activities and structure research outcomes by enablers and thematic areas; to setup a platform for sharing and re-using data and experiences from different automated road transport systems; to actively support Field Operational Tests (FOTs) and pilots carried out at National and European levels; and to work on future visions, potential impacts and research gaps in the deployment of automated road transport.
The CARTRE project will run for two years and aims to establish a joint stakeholders forum in order to coordinate and harmonise automated road transport approaches at European (e.g. strategic alignment of national action plans for automated driving) and international level (in particular with the US and Japan).
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