Autonomous driving and the future of the car industry

On 10 December, Elżbieta Bieńkowska, Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, delivered a closing speech at the Seminar on Autonomous Driving held by the Forum for Mobility and Society. CommissionerBieńkowska said: “Since the Volkswagen fraud case emerged all eyes are on the automotive industry. It has highlighted the need for rapid regulatory reform and stronger enforcement action at all levels. We have taken determined action to introduce the most robust emissions testing procedures in the world. And early next year, we will present proposals to improve the overall system that allows cars to be placed on the market. But we should not lose sight of what the automotive industry can do for society. Our consumers must come first! This event focuses our attention back on the long-term trends and opportunities. Autonomous driving will redefine the car industry in the future.” The event coincides with the launch of the new High Level Group on Automotive Industry ‘GEAR 2030’. The composition of the group is being finalised on the basis of open applications and should include representatives of the car industry, consumers, trade unions, NGOs, ICT associations and academia. GEAR 2030 will be invited to develop recommendations to reinforce the competitiveness of the European automotive value chain and propose a work plan for the smooth rollout of autonomous vehicles.

(Source: European Commission)

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