Automotive suppliers among world’s most reputable companies

Global RepTrak 100, a report ranking the top 100 most reputable companies, published its 2018 results. The report finds several companies from the automotive sector, including automotive suppliers and trusted members of CLEPA, among top global companies regarding sustainable contribution to society.


Reputation Institute (RI) announced the 2018 Global CR RepTrak® rankings. The study measured corporate responsibility by a company’s commitment to being a fair employer (workplace), its role in society (citizenship), and its ability to meet its financial obligations for shareholders (governance).


We are especially glad to observe that several companies from the automotive sector, including automotive suppliers and trusted members of CLEPA, are included on the list of 100 most reputable companies globally, with one of the members also reaching among the top 10.


Modern society and global competition are demanding that companies serve a social purpose. It is not enough that organisations deliver financial performance, they should also show that they can make a positive contribution to society. In the last years, the expectations of the public have risen, making it harder to earn trust, create consumer loyalty and entice investors. This means that in order to be successful, companies need to show genuine efforts and concrete measures aimed at making our world a better place.


The largest corporate reputation study of its kind, the Global CR RepTrak is based on more than 230,000 individual ratings from among the informed general public worldwide. The survey quantifies the public’s perception of corporate responsibility, based on the emotional bond stakeholders have with companies and reveals how this deep connection can drive supportive behaviours such as the intent to purchase, the benefit of the doubt, likelihood to recommend, and willingness to work for the company.




Results of the study are available at


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