Automotive Information Sharing & Intelligence Centre on Cybersecurity to kick off activities
Automotive organisations, CLEPA and ACEA, are currently cooperating to establish the European presence of the Auto-ISAC, an industry-driven community to share and analyse intelligence about emerging cybersecurity risks to the vehicle.
The European Auto-ISAC Memorandum of Understanding will be signed on 11 October in Brussels. This document presents an informal roadmap for a common CLEPA/ACEA/Auto-ISAC project to establish an Information Sharing and Analysis Centre in Europe in the context of cybersecurity. The establishment of a European Auto-ISAC aims to foster collaboration between automotive stakeholders to identify, detect, respond and recover from cyber threats, vulnerabilities and incidents.
Automotive suppliers play a key role in this collaboration as leaders in the development of intelligent and connected technologies. In addition, CLEPA has been actively involved in the implementation of the UNECE Regulation 155, which has become the cybersecurity regulation of reference for the EU.
CLEPA will actively contribute to increase the cybersecurity resilience of the automotive industry through sharing and analysis of cybersecurity intelligence.
Auto-ISAC shares and analyses intelligence about emerging cybersecurity risks to the vehicle, and collectively enhances vehicle cybersecurity capabilities across the global automotive industry, including light- and heavy-duty vehicle OEMs and suppliers.
Auto-ISAC is currently based in the US. Since 2018, industry has been expressing the need for genuine global automotive ISAC coverage. In parallel, regional automotive ISACs (particularly in Asia) are being set up and the European Commission would also like to see a European automotive ISAC established (according to the EU Cybersecurity Act, it is in the mandate of ENISA, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity, to facilitate setting up sectoral ISACs).
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