Article 29 WP – APPA – GDPR Interactive Workshop
The first international interactive workshop on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) between Asian Pacific Privacy Authority (APPA) members and Working Party 29 (WP29) members was held in Paris, on the 18th and 19th of May 2017 and hosted by the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL). Present at this international event were representatives from seven European national data protection authorities (DPAs), the European Commission and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) as well as representatives from nine APPA member countries. A total of 35 participants were present at the meeting. The main purpose of the workshop was to share knowledge and strengthen the cooperation between the participants around the future challenges that will arise with regards to the application of the GDPR. The meeting started with a warm welcome from the CNIL’s and WP29’s Chair, Isabelle FalquePierrotin, who introduced the first item of discussion: the presentation of the activities and missions of each DPA. This exercise was a chance for the participants to learn more about their counterparts’ structure, powers and subjects of interest. At a second stage, the APPA participants shared their understanding of the GDPR and discussed possible tools to inform their businesses covered by the reach of the GDPR. Further to this exchange, the WP29 representatives presented their already adopted guidelines on Data Protection Officer (DPO), Data Portability and Lead Authority but also their pre-adopted guidelines on Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) – which are open for public consultation until the 23rd of May 2017. Finally, the discussions ended with an exchange of experiences on data breach notifications and certifications – subjects which are under progress of guideline production by the WP29. The participants agreed to establish this APPA/WP29 meeting as an annual event, in order to reinforce their cooperation and facilitate discussions between the two privacy expert groups.
Please click here to see the press release.
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