ARCADE Project: New report to support small pilot projects of Connected, Cooperative, and Automated Mobility

The EU-funded project ARCADE has published a new report presenting Micro-FESTA, a condensed evaluation methodology to support small pilot projects of Connected, Cooperative, and Automated Mobility (CCAM). 

Numerous projects have recently set out to test Connected, Cooperative, and Automated Mobility (CCAM) technologies and services. Automated driving tests are gradually branching out from test tracks to a wider audience. Projects range from large European Field Operational Tests (FOTs) to small-scale pilots. This document targets the smaller-scale efforts, predominantly run by a couple of organisations and taking place in a single city.  

 These projects can offer a significant contribution to gathering knowledge on the effects of road automation. Micro-FESTA is based on the extensive FESTA Handbook for performing Field Operational Tests. It explains the steps in evaluation and provides recommendations for field trials in small pilot projects. This document can also be used as a first introduction to the full FESTA methodology. 


In order to support the evaluation of advanced driver-assistance systems and other vehicle information and communications technologies, the FESTA methodology for FOTs was developed in 2008, and updated several times. However, FESTA is focused on large-scale FOTs, and for small pilot projects, a more condensed version was considered useful. A first version of Micro-FESTA was published in 2016. This document is an update, a concise document targeting small pilot projects testing CCAM. Source: ARCADE project 

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