In preparation of the ERTRAC Connected and Automated Driving (CAD) roadmap, the Joint Stakeholder Workshop of the ARCADE CAD Network and ERTRAC Working Group on “Connectivity and Automated Driving” will be held on 5-6 February 2019 in Brussels.
Since the project ARCADE has taken over the work from CARTRE in October 2018, thematic areas have been created. The aim of these thematic areas is to start identifying and investigating key uncertainties blocking a fast introduction of CAD and to analyse the resulting scenarios for 2030 – 2050 (from the different angles of the respective themes).
This workshop will seek to get feedback on the thematic areas’ initial findings and scenarios, using as a focus three categories of use-cases (passenger car, freight vehicles and urban mobility vehicles). Based on this feedback and the workshop results, the draft scenarios will be refined and consolidated into a roadmap. This roadmap, which will be continuously updated in the course of the project, will be used as input to the new ERTRAC roadmap on Automated Driving. The objective is to finalize and present the results at the EUCAD 2019 Conference on 2-3 April 2019 as well as the ERTRAC annual conference on April 4th.
You can register for the event here.
Source: ARCADE Project