OECD recommendations on innovation and skills in global value chains
On the 19th of October 2017, the OECD published a report entitled “Investing in innovation and skills. Thriving in global value chains”.
This paper synthesises the main policy implications of OECD work focusing on the interplay between participation and positioning in global value chains (GVCs), employment demand and supply and workforce’s skills endowment. They relate to: the way innovation, technology and participation in GVCs shape employment in routine intensive and non-routine jobs; the relationship between participation in GVCs and polarisation of employment; the way the skill composition of a country’s workforce – both the type of skills and their distribution – shapes specialisation and positioning along GVCs; and the complementarities emerging between GVC participation and investment in knowledge-based capital, especially organisational capital and ICT.
Source: OECD
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