Skills in the spotlight
This month, skills and training for the labour market have been in the spotlight across Europe. First, we look at the European Parliament’s Culture Committee draft report which calls for greater support for VET, lifelong learning and for promotion of worker mobility. Secondly, we have the Dutch Presidency’s stance on VET, and last but not least, a preview of our event, “The European Automotive Skills Council: Final Conference”.
For more information, see below.
European Parliament calls for expansion of Erasmus+
On February 17th, the draft report: ‘Erasmus+ and other tools to foster mobility in VET – a lifelong learning Approach’ by Greens/EFA MEP Ernest Maragall was approved by the European Parliament’s Culture Committee.
The draft report calls for the EU’s flagship Erasmus+ to do much more to promote mobility in vocational training across Europe.
“Erasmus+ has undoubtedly been a success, but we have not yet unlocked the vast potential that improving mobility in vocational training could bring, especially to tackle youth unemployment”, said Ernest Maragall.
Furthermore, the report highlights that while Erasmus+ has been a success, mobility in VET could be improved.
Erasmus+ was launched in 2014 and brings together all of the EU’s education, training, youth and sport schemes, enabling students and many young people to study in another European country.
For the full press release from the Greens/EFA, click here.
Dutch Presidency stresses importance of VET
The discussion on skills for the future should focus not only on the changing labour market, but also on citizenship and full participation in society, where people treat each other with respect. This was the message of the Dutch Minister for Education, Culture and Science, Jet Bussemaker, at the conference on vocational education and training – ‘Skills for a Lifetime: towards a futureproof VET.’
‘A good education is more than preparing young people for the labour market. It’s also about enabling them to participate fully in society: a democratic society that increasingly respects the differences between people”, said Jet Bussemaker said.
Ms Bussemaker spoke at the opening of the ‘Skills for a Lifetime’ conference which discussed the challenges facing the European knowledge society.
For the full press release, click here.
European Automotive Skills Council: Final Conference
For more information on European skills development and how stakeholders and policymakers are tacking skills challenges, come to our event: The European Automotive Skills Council Final Conference, on February 26th at the European Economic and Social Committee.
The Automotive Skills Council is gathering relevant industry stakeholders and policymakers to discuss the findings of their first report, including the demographic challenge of an aging workforce, how to get more women in the industry and what the impact of digitalisation will be.
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