Carbon Footprint

Investing in technologies to reduce emissions from road transport and manufacturing processes
Policy priority:
About the spotlight


The CO2 reduction that could be delivered by renewable fuils by 2030


Metric tons of CO2 saved by automotive suppliers in 2022 compared to 2020

€20 billion

Invested annualy in production upgrades and R&D for e-mobility


The improvement in fuel economy and energy efficiency generated with each 10% reduction in vehicle weight

Automotive suppliers firmly support the objectives of the European Green Deal and Paris Agreement. All transport contributes to a quarter of the EU’s total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with road transport responsible for approximately three-quarters of these emissions. To address these challenges, automotive suppliers are heavily investing in technologies aimed at reducing emissions both from road transport and manufacturing processes. 

We advocate for a technology-open regulatory framework that balances environmental impact and social responsibility while maintaining Europe as a hub for manufacturing, innovation, and employment.  

A fundamental shift is occurring in the automotive landscape as technologies like battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and the transition to hydrogen and other renewable fuels promise significant emission reductions. With automotive suppliers investing over €20 billion annually in production upgrades and R&D for e-mobility, the focus is gradually shifting towards the entire value chain involved in vehicle production. Progress in reducing CO₂ emissions will require standardised methods for measuring and comparing these emissions across the industry, with sector initiatives like Catena-X playing a crucial role in ensuring fair competition and effective emission reduction strategies. 

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