by Clepa

FT Future of the Car 2023

FT Future of the Car 2023

2023/05/09 - 2023/05/11

Event details


2023/05/09 - 2023/05/11

Event location

In-Person & Digital | London, Convene

FT Future of the Car 2023 – Achieving Efficiency, Sustainability & Connectivity in Automotive

The FT Future of the Car summit is a three day strategy-focussed conference for anyone leading at the juncture of traditional automotive industry practice and technology-driven disruption. It is the automotive summit to attract visionary CEOs and thinkers for an objective analysis of the industry’s toughest challenges.

CLEPA’s Secretary General Benjamin Krieger will participate in the expert panel “Panel: Beyond the EV- Are Alternative fuels the solution to Net-Zero?“,  on 9 May from 12.25 to 1.05 p.m.

The auto industry has moved swiftly towards EV production, but have we become too focused on EVs as the solution for the net-zero car? OEMs still need to adapt existing engine designs to reduce their environmental impact and an investment in alternative fuels could help to ensure lower vehicle emissions.

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