EUCAD Conference 2023


The European Commission, together with the European Partnership on Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) and the FAME project, are pleased to announce the 4th European Conference on Connected and Automated Driving (EUCAD2023), which will take place in Brussels on 3 and 4 May 2023.

In line with the European Green Deal and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, it is the ambition of the European Commission to leverage the digitalisation of transport with climate-neutral objectives to make transport smartersafer, and more sustainable. Innovative solutions like Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility are helping to achieve these green and digital priorities, offering affordable, user-oriented, and inclusive shared mobility concepts for passengers and for goods.

EUCAD2023 is the only event gathering political leaders from the European Commission and Member States with European and international high-level representatives of industryacademia and road authorities to discuss the way forward towards implementation of large-scale demonstrations, and deployment, of CCAM solutions, in Europe and beyond.

Debatedevelop and deployEUCAD2023 will:

  • Take stock of latest researchpolicy, and regulatory developments in the field of CCAM;
  • Demonstrate European projects and recent R&I results to support the market uptake of CCAM solutions;
  • Allow major road transport stakeholders to participate in active debates and identify challengesneeds and synergies towards the deployment of CCAM;
  • Provide input to the Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda of the CCAM Partnership to reflect latest R&I priorities and strategic objectives, to make CCAM a reality.

As a member of the CCAM Partnership and contributor to the FAME project, CLEPA has an active role in the organisation of this event.


The event programme is coming soon. Stay tuned!

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