
CLEPA Aftermarket Conference 2021 – November edition

CLEPA Aftermarket Conference 2021 – November edition

2021/11/25 - 2021/11/25

Event details

Contact info

José Almeida


CLEPA members €99 (+21% VAT);   Externals €169 (+21% VAT)

Event location


Following our first virtual  Aftermarket Conference in March 2021, we are back with a second exciting edition in November. This online session aims to introduce and expand the debate around sustainability, circular economy and how the green transformation will affect the automotive aftermarket in the coming decade, in the context of the recently published ‘Fit for 55’ package and the overall  Green Deal agenda.



9:00 to 9:10  Introduction/Welcome – Sigrid de Vries, CLEPA 


I. Legislative environment / Market 

9:10 to 9:25 — Status of MVBER revision — Natalia Lazarova, European Commission. DG COMP 

9:25 to 9:40 — Aftermarket specific regulations — Antony Lagrange, European Commission. DG GROW 

9:40 to 9:50  ELV or WEEE – What is relevant in the aftermarket  Daniel Grub, Partslife 

9:50 to 10:20  Contribution of automotive to circular economy targets. Study results — Rachel Waugh, Oakdene Hollins 


10:20 to 10:30 – Short Break  


II. Industry initiatives 

10:30 to 10:45 – Vision 2050: time to transform the automotive industry   Thomas Deloison, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) 

10:45 to 10:55  Sustainability in the automotive aftermarket  Gael Escribe, Nexus            

10:55 to 11:15  How to evaluate the value stream?  Antoine Soulier, Inteliam           

11:15 to 11:25  Climate Day: How to take annual temperature  Emmanuel Voguet, Nexus            

11:25 to 11:40  Talents 4IAM – Stéphane Freitas, AM Today 


III. Circular economy in practice 

11:40 to 12:00  Circular economy in automotive electronics: how can OEMs support?  Jean-François Zébo, Faurecia      

12:00 to 12:25  Future remanufacturing at supplier level  Jesper Møberg, Borg Automotive 


12:25 to 12:30  Closing  Frank Schlehuber, CLEPA 

Registration is closed

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