CLEPA Innovation week and Awards ceremony 2020
2020 is a year of big challenges for the world. Given the impact of COVID-19 at a global scale, these are crucial times to reflect on the driving forces of Europe’s economic and industrial fabric. The constant effort of bringing cutting-edge mobility solutions to markets and society is recognised annually through this CLEPA initiative.
Every year, the CLEPA Innovation Awards invites companies from across the automotive supply ecosystem to share their latest and greatest efforts in innovation excellence. For 2020, the 5th edition of this flagship event, supported by Deloitte, will showcase how these outstanding contributions are making our mobility more sustainable, safer, and smarter during the online Innovation week.
Join us virtually on 25 November for the 2020 CLEPA Innovation Awards ceremony and hear about the role of innovation in the future of our world from the vantage viewpoint of industry players and mobility experts. During the ceremony we will also unveil the winners of the 2020 contest. #CLEPAawards2020
Mark these days in your agendas!
- 19 Nov: Connectivity and Automation day
- 20 Nov: Cooperation day
- 23 Nov: Environment day
- 24 Nov: Safety day
25 Nov: Innovation Awards online ceremony
16:30-17:45 CET

Prior to the online event on 25 November, from 19 to 24 November, CLEPA will dedicate its communication channels to highlighting the greatest achievements in mobility in the fields of Connectivity & Automation, Cooperation, Environment and Safety on a day-by-day basis during the Innovation week.
The Awards finalists of each of these categories will be announced during their respective days via our social media channels (@CLEPA_eu). Stay tuned to find out who they are and follow the latest updates via Twitter and LinkedIn! #CLEPAInnovationWeek
This contest has become the prime competition in the European automotive supply industry, and highlight the its outstanding achievement in the fields of:

Additionally, CLEPA will make a public special recognition to supplier initiatives that have contributed to the relief of Covid-19 impact. Share your story with us via communications@clepa.be
The application period is now closed
Any organisation that has contributed technology to the automotive supply industry, CLEPA members and non-members alike:
- Companies–including SMEs and startups
- Research centres
- Training and educational institutions
- Organisations and associations participating in the development of technology
Special prize for SMEs
There is a prize for SMEs in each category, acknowledging their important contributions to the sector’s achievements in making mobility sustainable, safe and smart.
An international jury of experts assessed all applications, taking into consideration the following selection criteria: the ambition, the market relevance, the impact and the quality.
The winners will be announced during the CLEPA Innovation Awards Ceremony on the 25th of November in Brussels.