CLEPA PLAZA is the response to the question how we can continue informing and engaging with our members to the very best of our ability throughout the pandemic and beyond. Adding this service to our existing activities is all part of furthering our mission to help European automotive suppliers to be the leading providers of highly efficient and sustainable mobility worldwide.
A PLAZA takes the form of interactive online sessions, usually one hour in length, where we take our members on an exploration of a key topic. The content is provided by both in-house and external experts who will be taking a deep dive into understanding measures or regulations already in place, current developments, or forecasts on upcoming challenges. Following the presentation, the floor is opened to the audience to engage in a discussion, respond to questions, and share experiences.
CLEPA is committed to making these sessions as relevant and useful as possible to its members. We would like to invite our members to share their opinions on which topics they would like to see covered.
Don’t hesitate to submit your suggestions to
Some CLEPA Plaza topics