
On 21 September 2017 CETA entered into force provisionally. As such most of the agreement now applies. National parliaments in EU countries – and in some cases regional ones too – will then need to approve CETA before it can take full effect.   CETA is a new...

The Council decided on 14 September 2017 to publish the directives given to the Commission to negotiate a trade agreement with Japan. In 2012, the Council gave a mandate to the Commission to start trade negotiations with Japan. At the EU-Japan summit of 6 July 2017,...

On the 13th of September 2017, IndustriAll, the European trade union of workers in manufacturing, mining and energy, published its position paper on CO2 reduction from road transport.   CO2 emissions targets for cars must be environmentally ambitious, technically realistic & socially acceptable In the late 1990s European...

Executive Summary Europe should maintain its leading position in reducing CO2 emissions from Heavy-Duty Vehicles as European trucks are currently amongst the most efficient ones in the world with best-in-class technologies regarding fuel efficiency. Reaching EU target levels for Heavy-Duty Vehicle emissions will require the...

CLEPA’s first corporate member's catalogue provides a comprehensive overview of CLEPA’s corporate members and gives you a short overview of each one. A typical vehicle consists of up to 30.000 parts and CLEPA members cover all of them. With CLEPA’s member's catalogue, you can see...

CLEPA supports considerations to further implement the Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems technical requirements, enabling a robust increase of vehicle safety in real world driving conditions and an efficient contribution to the reduction of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. TPMS systems are technically and economically mature...

CLEPA re-elected Roberto Vavassori as President and confirmed future priorities.   On Friday, June 30th, CLEPA members highlighted during their Annual General Assembly in Rome, digitalisation and low carbon mobility as the defining challenges for the automotive industry for the years to come.   CLEPA – the European Association...